Code Lab 🤔





Vercel を使えば一発ですが Vercel を使わないで実装はできるのかやっていきます。


  1. next.js
  2. serverless-nextjs
  3. AWS CLI

AWS はちょっと触ったことがある初心者です。


next.js を init

  $ npx create-next-app --example with-typescript-eslint-jest with-typescript-eslint-jest-app --use-npm

Serverless Framwork を導入

まずは、Serverless Frameworkを install

  $ npm install -D serverless


  $ npx serverless --version
Framework Core: 2.44.0 (local)
Plugin: 5.2.0
SDK: 4.2.3
Components: 3.11.0

AWS CLI の設定する

次の工程調べてたら、AWS CLI の設定いろいろしなきゃみたいだった。
とりあえず、AWS アカウントを作成して設定してみる(まじで初心者)

aws configure

aws configureを実行

  $ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]:

Access Key を聞かれたので、AWS の cli について調べる…

アクセスキーはアクセスキー ID と秘密アクセスキーからなり、AWS に対するプログラムによるリクエストに署名するときに使用されます。アクセスキーがない場合は、AWS マネジメントコンソールから作成できます。ベストプラクティスとして、不必要なタスクでは、AWS アカウントのルートユーザーアクセスキーを使用しないでください。代わりに、ご自身のアクセスキーを持つ新しい管理者 IAM ユーザーを作成します 。

アクセスキー ID とシークレットアクセスキー




必要な権限についてはAWS Permissions for deploymentを参考にしていきます

sqsの権限は ISR を使うときは必須なので、今回は追加しています。



  1. ユーザー名を適当に決める
  2. アクセスの種類はプログラムによるアクセス
  3. 次のステップへ
  4. 先ほど作ったユーザーグループを指定
  5. 次のステップへ
  6. タグはつけず次のステップへ
  7. 問題なければユーザーの作成を押して完了です

生成されたAccess KeySecret Access Keyをコピーしておいて…

再度aws configureする
  $ aws configure

Access KeySecret Access Keyを貼り付けて、あとはデフォのまま enter


そして、export も設定してここは完了です!

Serverless Next.js Component を導入


  component: '@sls-next/serverless-component@1.20.0-alpha.4'

component を指定する
今回は ISR 対応したいので@sls-next/serverless-component@1.20.0-alpha.4を指定




  $ npx serverless


    appUrl:         https://********
    bucketName:    ********
    distributionId: ********

  Warning: You are using the beta version of Serverless Components. Please migrate to the GA version for enhanced features:

  37s › myApp › done

Warning でてますが、ISR 対応がまだベータ版なのでしかたなしですね。

ISR 対応して確認していく


  import React from 'react'
import { GetStaticProps } from 'next'

interface Props {
  date: Date

export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async () => {
  return {
    props: {
      date: new Date().toLocaleString(),
    revalipubDate: 5,

const Isr: React.VFC<Props> = ({ date }) => <p>{date}</p>

export default Isr


  503 ERROR
The request could not be satisfied.

503 エラーでました。

sqs のところが*になってますね

↓ 参考

Incremental static regeneration by kirkness · Pull Request #1028 · serverless-nextjs/serverless-next.js · GitHub

Adds Incremental Static Regeneration! Related issues #804 #995 Add unit tests for regeneration logic Test assumptions around how rollup.js bundles dynamic imports as per @dphang's comment Add e2e tests for ISR fallbacks Setup deployment of infra via serverless Add e2e tests Make code for ISR possible to be agnostic to the provider as per @dphang's comments Only pass what's needed to the queue as per comment from @jvarho Find a workaround for max 300 SQS calls per second (using lambda async invoke) Setup deployment of infra via CDK Create a demo site for reviewers - Update cache logic to handle changes to revalidate property, as per @dvarho's comment Load test the SQS queue to more than 300 requests in one seconds to test this assumption from @evangow - assumption was correct, it's max 300 API calls per second, will find a workaround Tidy-up code by moving duplicate code (for example the page generation code) into functions/seperate files The implementation looks like: At "origin response" we check whether the response page is an ISR page (has an Expires header, or the original build page had a revalidate property) We check whether the Expires header is in the future and if so apply a cache-control header such that the object is stored in the edge until its ready for revalidation. If the Expires header is in the past then we trigger the page to be regenerated, whilst still returning the existing page with no-cache To trigger a page rebuild we send a message to a FIFO SQS Queue, deduplicated using the identifier of the S3 object we are replacing so that we at most trigger one rebuild per page. FIFO SQS queues do come with a 300/second rate limit on all API Requests, which might be hit on very active sites, in which case we cache the page for an extra second to back-off requests. You can check out a demo of this feature here, check the headers and the response times to try to get your head around its behaviour. The code for this page looks like: export async function getStaticProps() { return { revalidate: 60, props: { date: new Date().toLocaleString() } }; } const AboutPage = (props: {date: string}) => ( // ... <p>This is the about page, and the time is about {}</p> // ... ) export default AboutPage 👍


Incremental static regeneration by kirkness · Pull Request #1028 · serverless-nextjs/serverless-next.js · GitHub


Sure, let me take a look at the logs and let you know what happened
EDIT: looks like the Lambda itself doesn’t have permissions to access SQS endpoint:

    "errorType": "AccessDenied",
    "errorMessage": "Access to the resource is denied.",

I’ll fix but we should also make sure to mention in Readme to give the Lambda itself permissions to access SQS (if it > > wasn’t obvious or already done)

↓ 参考

Incremental static regeneration by kirkness · Pull Request #1028 · serverless-nextjs/serverless-next.js · GitHub

Adds Incremental Static Regeneration! Related issues #804 #995 Add unit tests for regeneration logic Test assumptions around how rollup.js bundles dynamic imports as per @dphang's comment Add e2e tests for ISR fallbacks Setup deployment of infra via serverless Add e2e tests Make code for ISR possible to be agnostic to the provider as per @dphang's comments Only pass what's needed to the queue as per comment from @jvarho Find a workaround for max 300 SQS calls per second (using lambda async invoke) Setup deployment of infra via CDK Create a demo site for reviewers - Update cache logic to handle changes to revalidate property, as per @dvarho's comment Load test the SQS queue to more than 300 requests in one seconds to test this assumption from @evangow - assumption was correct, it's max 300 API calls per second, will find a workaround Tidy-up code by moving duplicate code (for example the page generation code) into functions/seperate files The implementation looks like: At "origin response" we check whether the response page is an ISR page (has an Expires header, or the original build page had a revalidate property) We check whether the Expires header is in the future and if so apply a cache-control header such that the object is stored in the edge until its ready for revalidation. If the Expires header is in the past then we trigger the page to be regenerated, whilst still returning the existing page with no-cache To trigger a page rebuild we send a message to a FIFO SQS Queue, deduplicated using the identifier of the S3 object we are replacing so that we at most trigger one rebuild per page. FIFO SQS queues do come with a 300/second rate limit on all API Requests, which might be hit on very active sites, in which case we cache the page for an extra second to back-off requests. You can check out a demo of this feature here, check the headers and the response times to try to get your head around its behaviour. The code for this page looks like: export async function getStaticProps() { return { revalidate: 60, props: { date: new Date().toLocaleString() } }; } const AboutPage = (props: {date: string}) => ( // ... <p>This is the about page, and the time is about {}</p> // ... ) export default AboutPage 👍


Incremental static regeneration by kirkness · Pull Request #1028 · serverless-nextjs/serverless-next.js · GitHub

最終的に、CloudFront / SQS / Lambda などなど削除し、プロジェクト内の.serverlessを削除してから

